
Symphony of the Cells is a collection of 17 essential oil application techniques formulated by expert Boyd Truman on the basis of over 20 years of practical knowledge and use of doTERRA essential oils over the past 10 years. Whether you are looking to help a loved one battle an ongoing ailment or for yourself, Symphony of the Cells is a simple and effective way to create harmony physically, emotionally, and spiritually in the body. Each of the 17 protocols focuses on a specific system of the body allowing for detailed targeting of the symptoms and underlying causes of many ailments and illnesses.

Individual Appointments: $20

An Individual Application of Oils appointment with Renee will include a 20 minute session incorporating the essential oils that will best support you.

Meet Renee Ihde, HTP-A

Renee Ihde is Certified in the Symphony of the Cells protocols, Aromatouch method and she has complete level 4 as a Healing Touch Practitioner Apprentice. She has 15 years of experience with essential oils. Not only is she a wealth of knowledge, she is an inspiration and leader in breaking through health challenges and opening the way for new possibilities!